&&&The origins of these eggs are not clearly known! They just... appeared. Folks were frightened by them at first, but I've spent the past several decades collecting them and rearing them. Initially the eggs are just that... eggs! But when they hatch, they are able to speak their name. We refer to them as creatures and have opened up this facility as a petsite, but they are completely autonomous and live within their own space. They seem to only be able to hatch, transform, and grow after a minimum amount of interaction which we now understand to be, "pageviews".

That's why I really need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!

&&&There are just too many eggs out there than I can provide the individual attention to. Adoptable petsite facilities like this one were quite common in the early 2000's but most have gone to the wayside, lost in time and now live as abandoned digital relics.
I figured though... no time like the present, right??!

Will you help us out, and adopt an egg?


There are only a couple of rules that you should review! These can be be found on the right.

If you agree to them, the steps towards adoption are simple:
  • Go to the list available eggs and choose one
  • Fill out the form
  • Receive an email with information about your egg
  • If you lose the email or forget where to go, you can always look at the directory
Hatching and the subsequent transformations can take any amount of time, but on average hatching seems to take the least amount of time.

Go to eggs available


  1. You may adopt multiple eggs, but please only adopt one per batch

  2. Although you are the adopter, these are still creatures that remain within MORDWEEB!

  3. You must be 13 years or older. If you are not, you must have a guardian present. Adopting web eggs are a big responsibilty!

It is designed for desktop but will eventually be adjustable to screen size.